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Case Study – Alex Beaumont Photography.

Services –

Website Overhaul, Web Design, SEO Optimisation, Website Copywriting, Landing Pages, Blog Writing, Training & Consultation via Zoom.

I was approached by Alex initially just to re-word some of her copy and help her start a series of blogs for her Family and Newborn Photography company. This was simple enough; Alex had some strong content already written, which I fleshed out, tidied up, and optimised, making it SEO friendly. It was during this process that Alex decided her site needed a complete and total overhaul.

Using a free hosting company, Alex had already built a very decent website. But she began to feel it was underperforming and found the site builder very restrictive. This is something I hear constantly and is precisely why I, along with my web design partner, Ben, specialise in overhauling websites.

Alex wanted to keep the look and layout of her site but move it away from her previous hosting company. We set Alex up and offered her domain hosting, from there we were able to migrate her site over to WordPress and start work. Rebuilding her site from top to bottom, we matched her previous look and layout whilst adding a few extra features, then optimised her whole site, every page, picture, and piece of copy, so that she would rank higher and see a significant increase in traffic.

After that I constructed several landing pages, one for each location where Alex operated, further increasing her presence and search ranking, each of these was optimised in the same fashion as her website copy. After the site was fully re-constructed, Alex joined us, via zoom for some training sessions. It was during this time I did some blog writing for her which she then took over and now writes herself, personally maintaining and updating her brand-new site.

Alex was a great client to work with. She is a genuine, caring person who puts a lot of passion into her work. I wanted that to shine through on her site. I got to know her personal beliefs, and her company values, which made writing her copy and forging her verbal identity an extremely smooth process. I look forward to working with her in the future and I’m delighted to hear that the work we did has had a positive impact on her business.

If you would like to discuss any of the services mentioned in this case study, please go to the contact page, and get in touch.